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Debunking Cloud Computing Myths

In a recent article, Gartner listed cloud computing as one of the top 10 strategic technology trends for 2017. Cloud computing is a vital business tool. It helps streamline business operations, enhance productivity and reduce overall costs.

Yet, despite its significance, there are many misconceptions associated with cloud computing.

Here are the most common cloud computing myths:

# 1 – Only tech companies need cloud computing

Not really. From healthcare to banking, all types of markets are embracing cloud computing due to its many benefits. Regardless of size, location or industry, any company in the horizontal and vertical markets can use cloud computing.

# 2 – Cloud computing poses a huge security risk to businesses

While security is a legitimate concern for any business, cloud computing doesn’t pose more risks than conventional IT solutions.

Typically, your cloud hosting provider is responsible for ensuring optimal security. A reliable provider will have updated security measures enforced to minimize potential threats. Moreover, they will rely on multiple security measures, such as firewalls, intrusion-detection systems, etc.

# 3: Migrating into the cloud computing is a hassle

There’s no denying that some upgrades may be required on old servers. But, migrating to cloud is a fairly efficient, pain-free process if you work with a reliable hosting provider.

A certified hosting provider can help you switch your business operations to cloud in no time. The long term benefits outweigh the short-term inconvenience you may face.

# 4 – Using cloud doesn’t require technical support

While cloud computing automates everything, businesses need technical support to understand the tools involved. So, you will require the technical services of a hosting provider, especially in the initial days, in order to ensure seamless operations.

# 5: Cloud computing is always cheaper to run

Not necessarily. While cloud computing is cost-efficient, it is more suitable for variable demands / workloads. During periods of low demand, you can switch servers off to minimize costs.

Also, the operational expenditure model is a more cost-effective option than the capital expenditure model for many companies.

Whether you have a small or large business, you can benefit from cloud computing. However, choosing the right cloud solution can be difficult. At Rete Consulting, we help you invest in the best cloud solution.

We offer an array of cloud computing services to small and medium businesses in Austin, TX. We also provide other IT consulting and services, including cloud mailbox and documentation migration. Contact us now for a free consultation.

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