Firms keen on optimizing their email marketing campaigns are in for a major surprise.
Despite the clear advantages and potential of email marketing, marketers often have to keep track of individual client activities and habits in order to deliver more personalized messages.
With several clients to cater to, the process becomes extremely cumbersome.
Now with Office 365, marketers can keep in tune with client needs and activities far more efficiently and conveniently, resulting in quicker email campaigns.
In this post, we explore how having Office 365 can lead to significant improvement of a firm’s email marketing strategy.
How Office 365 Addresses Email Marketing Issues?
Marketers first got their hands on email marketing via Office 365 in 2010, when Microsoft first launched the cloud-based application suite for enterprises. Since then, however, many marketers faced problems, with emails ending up in quarantine and junk folders and thus have not been able to utilize email marketing to its full potential.
This was the result of SCL (Spam Confidence Level) that ultimately rated an email according to its spam level.
All changed when Microsoft updated its Office 365 software in 2014 and introduced the Clutter feature for its Outlook program. Clutter, as the name suggests, was created to de-clutter emails and provide a more resilient and accurate alternative to the SCL algorithm.
The Clutter algorithm works like analytics software program, understanding and learning activities of the user, and performing actions accordingly.
For instance, it seeks to identify patterns between an email and those of past interactions and categorizes it according to how recent the messages are. This means that if a client has not been very responsive to email marketing campaigns, the clutter algorithm will not display the messages of the client and move it into Clutter bin.
Why Clutter Is The Way Forward For Email Marketing Campaigns?
Regardless of whether firms use Microsoft Outlook or not, it is important to recognize a fundamental principle of email marketing. It is that sending generic emails to all clients is no longer a good email marketing practice.
Rather, messages have to be personalized for each respective client in order to increase the click through rate and make email marketing campaigns more effective.
Office 365’s Clutter can enable businesses to tap into this practice and save precious time in keeping track of individual recipient’s emails. Through sound analytics and reporting tools, businesses can sort their clients according to location, demographics, business activity, and others and increase conversion rates.
In summary, email marketing is the key to establishing successful relationships with clients. Office 365’s Clutter algorithm can ensure marketers have an easy and convenient means to track and identify their most responsive clients and target them to build high sales revenues and profits.
For more information on IT consulting services and cloud computing services in Austin, please contact us today.